Friday, 16 December 2011

Another drawing that ended up in the NME during Glam Rock. It was about 1971, two editors before Nick Logan, that Benyon started working for the paper and before it developed its attitude and began selling zillions of copies each week. It's odd now to read cyberspace  factoids such as John Peel wrote the Lone Groover or that Ray Lowry drew the strip. Actually, Ray and Benyon had a good relationship and although they didn't meet up much they did correspond and shared the same opinions about the various scribes on the paper. Ray sent one of his famous postcards filled with his tiny scrawl warning his fellow cartoonist about Paul Morley who he had already encountered working on a Manchester mag and considered him to be a monumental poseur.
The collective noun for cartoonists is a 'moan'. Place more than one of them in a bar and the moaning of discontent will start within minutes. Bad pay, humourless editors, first ones to be sacked in editorial cutbacks, other cartoonists getting all the work who are truly unfunny, the weather, the quality of the beer....the list is endless. However Benyon and Ray agreed about Morley and his vacuous post modernist posturing and the dreadful impact the new wave of scribes would have on the string of clueless editors who followed Logan. Anyway R.I.P, Mr Lowry, who oddly enough lived near Salford but was not related.

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