"Between yesterday's acid and today's nihilism I seem to have drifted from the main rut of Groovessence". A groove is a cool rut, or is it ? It's okay staying in a groove but you always have to get out of a rut. Watching the sun bounce brilliantly off the sea this morning while drinking strong black coffee I'm struggling to work out if I am in a rut or a groove. I mean, has my groove, maaaaaaaaaaaaan, become a rut. He who rides a tiger may never dismount and he who is in a rut may never get out. Gaspo!
Back to the gag which is ancient, about the time Angie Bowie, Dave, Mick and Bianca were going through their transvestite, clubbing period and Ken Russel was still hot. It was an attempt to get El Groover a partner, which failed to get off the ground and was an extra figure to draw which Benyon wouldn't have liked.
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